Thursday, 9 November 2023

Don't make the mistake of eating these fruits after peeling them...

  • Pears should always be eaten with their skin on
  • Because antioxidants and vitamins are found in its peel
  • Eating pears with their peels provides dietary fiber to the body

 It is well known that people who eat fruits are healthy. Because fruits are an important part of our diet. But eating fruits properly is important for good health. 

Yes, it is very important to eat fruits properly. Some people peel the fruits and eat them. But some fruits are eaten with the peel. Let's say that the fruit peel also contains nutrients. These days chemicals are added to the fruits. .Because of this, people eat the peel of the fruit. But doing so can harm your health. This is because the peel of the fruit contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. But some fruits should not be eaten after peeling.

Do not peel and eat these fruits

Don't Peel Pears - Always eat pears with their skin on as the skin contains antioxidants and vitamins. If pear is eaten with its peel, the body will get dietary fiber. So pear should always be eaten without peeling. Pear is a very healthy fruit. But guava can be consumed with its peel. Antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and minerals are found in guava. Therefore, guava should not be eaten after peeling.

Do not eat peeled apples: Many people have a habit of eating apples after peeling them. But the skin of the apple contains antioxidants and fiber, so the apple should be washed and eaten straight away and not eaten after peeling. 

Eat the ear without peeling:  Do not eat after peeling the ear. Because fiber, folate, vitamin E etc. are found in the peel of the ear. Therefore, it should be consumed along with the peel of the ear.

Note:  Dear Readers, Thank you for reading our news. This news is written for your awareness. In writing this we have taken the help of home remedies and general information. If you read anything anywhere that concerns your health, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.


Instead of throwing away the seeds after eating papaya, do this..!

  • Eating papaya seeds helps control weight gain
  • In fact, the amount of fiber in it is very high
  • Due to this you will not feel hungry for long and you will be able to eat more.

 Papaya is a very tasty fruit, which is especially eaten to maintain digestion, but we often throw its seeds in the trash. The taste of papaya seeds is slightly spicy and black peppery. If used properly, it can have many health benefits. You dry these seeds in the sun and turn them into powder. You can mix this powder in food or use it as a spice.

Benefits of eating papaya seeds

1. Better digestion : Papaya seeds contain a special type of enzyme called papain, with the help of which digestion can be improved. You should eat one spoon of papaya seeds after meal. Doing this will prevent problems like constipation, gas, bloating etc.

2. Boosts Immunity : Papaya seeds are considered a rich source of vitamin C, a nutrient known to boost immunity. Eating these seeds reduces the risk of cold, cough, cold, flu and viral diseases.

3. Keeps Weight Less : Few people probably know that eating papaya seeds can help control weight gain, in fact, the amount of fiber in it is so high that you don't feel hungry for long and you are able to eat more.

4. Prevention of Cancer : Cancer is a very dangerous disease which sometimes takes human life, to avoid it you should eat papaya seeds regularly. Its seeds have been proven in many studies to have anti-cancer properties, which stop the growth of some cancer cells.

Note:  Dear Readers, Thank you for reading our news. This news is written for your awareness. In writing this we have taken the help of home remedies and general information. If you read anything anywhere that concerns your health, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.


Tuesday, 7 November 2023

These 5 foods are poisonous if eaten repeatedly.

Avoid reheating food : ಅನೇಕ ಬಾರಿ, ಅಡುಗೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ನಂತರ, ಜನರು ಅದನ್ನು ಬಿಸಿಯಾಗಿ ತಿನ್ನಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಆಗ ಅದನ್ನು ಫ್ರಿಜ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇಡುತ್ತಾರೆ. ನಂತರ ಆ ಆಹಾರವನ್ನು ಬಿಸಿ ಮಾಡಿ ತಿನ್ನುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಈ ರೀತಿ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಆರೋಗ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದಲ್ಲ.

Foods made from spinach should not be reheated and eaten. It contains nitrate, which is converted into nitrosamine. Nitrosamine is a carcinogen. Consuming large amounts of nitrosamines may increase the risk of stomach, lung, and breast cancer.  

Food made from rice should not be reheated. In many households, rice is made at the same time for lunch and dinner. According to the Food Safety Agency, reheating cold rice can cause food poisoning.  

Potatoes contain starch. It breaks down when reheated and can produce toxins. This poison can cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. 

Eggs contain protein. It produces harmful bacteria when reheated. These bacteria can cause food poisoning. Diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever may appear.   

Reheating chicken breaks down its protein and takes on a different form. It is harmful to health. If cooked chicken is placed in the microwave, bacteria can spread throughout the meat. 

Source :

Monday, 6 November 2023

Health Tips: Use these 3 Ayurvedic herbs for headaches like no other

 New Delhi:  Many of us do not take mental health seriously. But we forget that mental health is just as important as physical health. If this is not taken care of, many kinds of problems will arise. Nowadays people have to face many kinds of stress. Due to this, heaviness starts appearing in the body. Taking painkillers or any other medicine in such a situation is dangerous. Because research has revealed many of its side effects. Better to get some Ayurvedic treatment for this.

Ayurvedic treatment for heaviness of head

There can be many reasons for heaviness in the head or mental fatigue. This can include chronic illness, work stress, taking medication for a long time or personal problems. For this you can take 3 types of Ayurvedic medicines. See here for complete information about these.

1. Brahmi:  People suffering from mental fatigue and heaviness of the head often suffer from memory loss. You can consume Brahmi to get rid of this. It provides relief from mental burden and fatigue.

2. Ashwagandha:  Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic medicine that is considered a good treatment for mental disorders and heaviness of the head. You can use this special ayurvedic medicine to be mentally and stress free. Its properties benefit our brain in every way.

3. Conch flower : Consumption of conch flower is not only beneficial for the brain but also for the body. It may not be wrong to call it the wealth of Ayurveda. It removes the heaviness of the mind. You can drink sherbet or syrup made from this flower.

(Note: You must consult a doctor before following the advice given here.)

Source :

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Deficiency of this vitamin not only weakens memory but also weakens bones..!

 Just like vitamins A, B, C and D are essential for good health and a strong body, vitamin B12 is also very important for a healthy body. If it is in sufficient quantity in the body, diseases will not affect you easily. Most health experts say that vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient.

Why does vitamin B12 deficiency occur in the body?

If you do not eat enough food for vitamin B12, this can be the main reason. Due to dangerous diseases like HIV, vitamin B12 is not absorbed in the body. Some bad bacteria, antibiotics, surgery and tapeworms can also cause this vitamin deficiency.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

- Dizziness
- Lack of appetite
- Skin turns yellow or dull
- Frequent mood swings
- Stress prevails
- Very tired
- Tingling in limbs
- Rapid heartbeat
- Muscle weakness

Diseases caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency

-Increased risk of forgetfulness and confusion problems.
-Pain problem starts in bones.
-Barely affects the entire nervous system.
- Due to this it becomes difficult to deliver blood to every part of the body.

Why is vitamin B-12 important for health?

- Deficiency of vitamin B-12 adversely affects the brain and nervous system.
- Women need adequate vitamin B-12 during pregnancy.
-Vitamin B-12 deficiency can lead to dementia.
-Deficiency of this essential vitamin causes pain in bones and joints.
-It increases the risk of anemia.
-Vitamin B12 is also necessary for energy production in the body.

You will benefit from eating these ingredients

If you are experiencing deficiency of this vitamin in your body, here are some foods that you can easily overcome the deficiency of vitamin B12 (Vitamin B12 rich food).

-milk broccoli

Source :

See here the benefits of eating food in banana leaves..!


In many parts of India, green banana leaves are used for cooking, wrapping and serving food. Especially South Indian or South Asian dishes are often served on banana leaves. This traditional method has been practiced for centuries, but have you ever wondered what are the benefits of using banana leaves? Let us find the answer to this question of yours.

Benefits of Eating Banana Leaf

1. Nutritional value

Banana leaves contain many essential nutrients like polyphenols, vitamin A and vitamin C. When food is placed on the banana leaf, some of these nutrients are transferred to the food, increasing its nutritional value.

2. Enhances taste

Eating food in banana leaf increases the taste of food. The leaves impart a mild, earthy flavor to the food, which enhances the flavor of the food.

3. Attractive to look at

Eating food on banana leaves gives the food a traditional appeal. If you eat food with good heart, it will give many benefits to your health.

4. A non-toxic option

Banana leaves are non-toxic compared to plastic or thermocol plates, so harmful chemicals are not found in food, reducing the risk of cancer.

5. Improves digestion

Eating food on banana leaves has a positive effect on digestion. Polyphenols found in banana leaves increase the production of digestive enzymes, which help in better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

6. Natural disinfectant

Banana leaves have natural antimicrobial properties that help kill harmful bacteria in food. Therefore, eating food on banana leaves can reduce the risk of foodborne diseases.

7. Environment friendly

Using banana leaves as a natural alternative to disposable plates is an eco-friendly option. This reduces the need for plastic or foam plates, which lead to land pollution.

Attention Readers:  Dear Readers, Thank you for reading our news. This news is written for your awareness. In writing this we have taken the help of home remedies and general information. If you read anything anywhere that concerns your health, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

Source :

If raw peas are eaten in winter, this health problem does not occur.

Benefits of Eating Green Peas In Winter: Here is the information about the health benefits of eating fresh green peas regularly in winter. 


Benefits of Eating Green Peas In Winter :  Green peas enter the market in large numbers in winter. But peas are available in the market in frozen and dry form throughout the year. But consuming frozen peas is not good for health. So it is advised to eat only fresh green peas. Here are the health benefits of regular consumption of fresh green peas in winter. 

Amazing Benefits of Eating Green Peas : 
1. Rich Source of Protein :

Green peas are rich in protein. Regular consumption of raw peas strengthens bones and muscles. Moreover, it is very helpful for the growth of children's body. 

2. Rich in Fiber:
Green peas are a rich source of fiber. Eating it makes you feel full for a long time. It avoids overeating. This helps in losing weight gradually. It is a perfect diet for those who want to lose weight.

3. Effective in Diabetes :

Green peas have a low glycemic index. It helps control blood sugar levels. Along with this, it prevents blood sugar levels from rising. It is high in fiber which reduces the absorption of carbohydrates. Green peas are the best food for diabetic patients. 

4. Beneficial for heart health:
Green peas are rich in minerals. It helps improve heart health. For example, green peas contain magnesium, potassium and calcium. All these nutrients help in keeping the blood pressure normal. It reduces the risk of heart attack. Moreover, it reduces bad cholesterol from blood vessels.

(Note: The information given in this article is based on common knowledge and home remedy information. Zee Kannada News does not confirm this information.)

Source :

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Do you know the benefits of consuming gooseberry every day in winter??


Health: The weather is changing and it's starting to get a little cold. Most people suffer from cold and cough. At the same time, asthma patients face a lot of problems during this season. But did you know that there is one thing that can eliminate all such problems by eating? Yes, amla is such a fruit that eating it can get rid of winter problems. In such a situation, here we tell you how you can include amla in your diet?

Amla is no less than any herb. You will get many benefits by consuming it. Eating it not only boosts immunity but also improves the health of both skin and hair. On the other hand, if your hair is already turning grey, then you should start consuming amla daily. By doing this you will get rid of all your hair and skin related problems.

Benefits of eating gooseberry: 


Amla contains soluble fiber, which prevents the absorption of sugar in the body. This will keep your blood sugar stable and you won't complain of diabetes. So, start consuming it daily.

Digestion is better:

Eating amla will keep your digestion healthy. Because it contains good amount of fiber which keeps digestion good. So, if you have problems related to digestion, you should start consuming amla daily.

Add it to your diet by:

To add amla to your diet, eat it mixed with honey. By doing this your immunity will be strengthened and you will get relief from all problems.

Note:   Dear Readers, Thank you for reading our news. This news is written for your awareness. In writing this we have taken the help of home remedies and general information. If you read anything anywhere that concerns your health, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

Source :

Eat sprouts daily, get surplus health...!

Health:  There's no mistaking that sprouted beans are a nutritional powerhouse. Due to its health benefits, it is considered a favorite food of dietitians. In fact, when gram sprouts, its nutritional value increases. Ayushi Yadav, a former nutritionist at Jims Hospital, Greater Noida, tells us what benefits we can get from eating sprouts.

Benefits of Eating Sprouts

1. Increases absorption of nutrients (increased nutrient absorption)

Sprouted gram increases the bioavailability of essential nutrients, making it easier for your body to absorb vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium and B vitamins.

2. Better digestion (improved digestibility)

The sprouting process reduces factors such as phytic acid, which can interfere with mineral absorption and increase digestive problems. Eating this fruit improves your digestion.

3. Rich in fiber

Sprouted gram is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which improves digestive health and promotes healthy bowel movements.

4. Rich in Protein (High Protein)

Gram is a rich source of plant-based protein, but sprouting further increases its protein content, making it an excellent food for vegetarians.

5. Rich in amino acid

Essential amino acids are abundant in sprouted gram, which strengthens the body and repairs muscles.

6. Low glycemic index

Sprouted gram has a lower glycemic index than sprouted gram, which means it lowers blood sugar levels and benefits patients with type-2 diabetes.

Note:  Dear Readers, Thank you for reading our news. This news is written for your awareness. In writing this we have taken the help of home remedies and general information. If you read anything anywhere that concerns your health, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

Source :

Friday, 3 November 2023

When to exercise to maintain fitness? Morning or evening?

Health: Health experts warn that in the midst of a stressful life, set aside at least 30 minutes for exercise every day. Some like to exercise during the day, while others prefer to exercise in the evening. So here's what time to exercise in the morning or evening is more beneficial.

Exercise keeps you physically and mentally healthy. Most of the people do not have enough time to exercise and so they exercise according to their convenience. Some like to exercise during the day, while others prefer to exercise in the evening. So here's what time to exercise in the morning or evening is more beneficial.

Yoga expert Mahak Deep has some advice on the question of when exercise is most beneficial.

Exercising in the morning:

Morning exercise boosts metabolism and improves mood. It also improves sleep quality. So morning exercise is beneficial in improving physical and mental health.

Exercising in the evening:

Evening exercise improves performance and energizes the body. By exercising in the evening, a person is relieved of stress and gets a chance to get relief from the challenges of the day. Evening exercises are most beneficial for those who focus more on strength and flexibility.

Therefore, health experts warn that in the hectic life, set aside at least 30 minutes for exercise every day. It is best to engage in exercise between 6 am to 7 am and 5.30 to 6.30 pm in the evening. It helps in maintaining your mental health as well as physical health.

Source : https://tv9kannada.c

Eating chicken is good for health.. but only if you eat it like this..! How..?

Chicken health benefits : Non-veg lovers like chicken more. Some people just come on weekend.. they bring chicken biryani and have a great dinner. But as good as chicken is, eating too much is bad for health. There is no problem for you to sleep in the method given below.. Come let's know more information about this.

Healthy chicken recipes:  There are very few people who do not eat chicken. Sunday Bandre is called masala gham in the house of pet meat lovers. Some have an old tradition of eating chicken soup with potatoes. More people eat chicken than any other meat. In terms of taste and health, chicken digests faster than other meats. 

But how to eat this chicken meat..? Chicken meat is considered as an excellent source of protein. But eating this meat boiled with oil and spices is of no use. Experts believe that it is good for the body when it is cooked and eaten.

For this reason, when the body was sick, in childhood, mothers and grandmothers cooked meat and ate it. This dish is still popular in many households. Not only that, in many households meat is boiled in water and eaten with salt. Most people turn their noses up at the question of eating cooked meat. They may not know the quality of this cooked chicken.

Chicken meat is high in protein. It provides special nutrition to the body. When chicken meat is boiled, the fat comes out of it. It is rich in protein. It boosts immunity. Strengthens the body. The protein in chicken is said to help children's growth.

Experts recommend eating cooked chicken for muscle growth. The protein in chicken helps maintain muscle health. Baked chicken is a good choice for weight loss. This is because the fat and oil in the chicken comes out when it is boiled. Not only that, cooked chicken also helps control calories.

Foods like chicken curry or fried chicken are difficult to digest. They contain more oil and spices. Cooked chicken is easy to digest. So health conscious people include cooked chicken in their diet.

Chicken meat contains many energy-boosting nutrients. It contains vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, which are essential for keeping cells healthy. Helps boost immunity. Protein is an important factor in building strong bones. Chicken meat is rich in protein. It helps in strengthening the bones. 

Source :

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Before buying a new smartphone, keep these 5 things in mind

Tech: A smartphone is essential for everyone these days. Without a smartphone, there is no life at all. If you too are thinking about buying a new smartphone then it is very important to keep some things in mind.  

  • Don't compromise on your budget when it comes to buying a good quality smartphone.
  • These days there are excellent quality smartphones available at low prices too
  • So find a smartphone that suits your budget with some patience

Nowadays smartphone is everyone's lifeline. People like to change smartphone frequently as smartphones with new new features are available in the market. While buying a smartphone it is very important to keep a few things in mind. Especially choosing the right smartphone according to your needs and budget is very important.

Five such important points to remember while buying a smartphone are:
First of all you should not compromise on your budget in order to buy a good quality smartphone. Buy a smartphone that suits your budget with a little patience as there are excellent quality smartphones available nowadays even at low prices. 

Operating System:  While buying any smartphone first decide on which operating system (Android and iOS) you want in it. It is good to choose the operating system according to your requirement.

Screen size, resolution:  Before buying a smartphone, pay attention to the phone's screen and its resolution. Because, both of these also have a significant impact on smartphone usability. Smartphones with large displays are more useful for people who use multimedia. 

Camera:  Some people are more fond of photography. For such people, the phone's camera is very important. Buying a phone with high resolution, aperture, sensor size and autofocus system can prove to be the best choice for you. 

Battery: While buying any smartphone, its battery life is always checked. Find out how many hours or days that smartphone lasts on a full charge with the help of its mAh. Also check if this phone has fast charging facility.


"My stand is not for party but for uncle"- Kichcha Sudeep

Actor Kichcha Sudeep, who came to show support to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, got into trouble by not answering the journalists' questions. He proved that he is an actor by changing his statement to campaign in the areas where he later indicated that he was supporting in trust.

  • At present, Sudeep has spoken as if he had put a lamp on the wall
  • I do not work for any party
  • My loving uncle stood by me in my difficult times

For the past three or four days, Sudeep has joined BJP. This time  there was a lot of talk about Sudeep  becoming an MLA. But today, Sudeep came to a press conference with the CM, and has put a lid on all that.

Currently, Sudeep has spoken like putting a lamp on the wall. I am not working for any party. My dear uncle stood by me in my difficult times. So I clearly say that I am not a party, I am standing for my dear uncle. I will go wherever he says and campaign.

On the other hand, CM Bommayi said, "He is a popular actor and we have decided on his campaign. Bommayi said that he will keep his fans in mind and promote it as long as it is convenient for him. Sudeep's arrival has given us great strength. I would like to thank his parents, Sanjeevanna and Sarovar. Therefore, we are keeping both their time and respect in mind. The CM said that the campaign will decide.

 Even though he will stand by Sudeep Mama, he has forgotten that CM Bommai is the legislative leader of the BJP party. Thus this move by Sudeepa and the news conference ended without any definite climax.


Techology: The practice of sleeping with a mobile phone next to the pillow is very dangerous! Make the switch today

Most people sleep with their mobile phone under or near their pillow. Sleeping with your phone next to your pillow can also put you at risk.  

  • No work can be done without a smartphone.
  • Mobile should not be near while sleeping
  • Do not keep mobile in shirt pocket

Nowadays, no work can be done without a smartphone. From children to old people, mobiles can be found in everyone's hands. Some people have the habit of watching videos on their phones until they fall asleep. Some of the mistakes we make while using mobile can cost us our lives. Recently many cases of exploding phones have come to light. It should be noted here that such incidents happen due to user's fault.  

Mobile should not be near while sleeping:  Most people sleep with
their mobile phone under or near the pillow. Mobile temperature is very high. Due to this temperature there is a possibility of the phone exploding. Sleeping with your phone next to your pillow can also put you at risk.   

Don't keep mobile phone in shirt pocket: Incidents of exploding phones
kept in shirt pockets are also heard more and more recently. If you have a habit of keeping your mobile phone in your shirt pocket, change that too. Mobile should not be kept in shirt pocket for long time. This increases the possibility of explosion.   

Do not charge the mobile all night:
Some people have the habit of charging the mobile all night. If the mobile is left to charge overnight, the battery of the mobile will get damaged. The charge is draining quickly. Some people leave the mobile charging overnight as the charge runs out quickly. There is a high possibility of the mobile phone exploding because it is left on charge overnight. 


Health: Improved stroke management using artificial intelligence (AI) in India

Health: The partnership underscores Medtronic's commitment to integrating innovative technologies that address stroke challenges in India with local solutions. Qure's comprehensive set of solutions, qER and the Qure app, are designed to help clinicians streamline the stroke care pathway for patients.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in India
  • Advanced stroke management using AI

India Medtronic Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Medtronic plc (NYSE:MDT), today announced a partnership with to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) for improved stroke management in India. The partnership combines Medtronic's leadership in neuroscience and Qure's AI-enabled innovation. The collaboration aims to provide AI solutions to comprehensive stroke centers and primary stroke centers and will establish a hub and spoke network connected through technology. This network helps in faster identification, decision making and triage of stroke patients, thus facilitating better patient outcomes.

A stroke is a medical emergency in which blood flow to the brain is blocked. In many cases, stroke patients are unable to receive proper treatment on time due to lack of symptom awareness and structured patient pathways. In some cases, lack of specific physician training to correctly interpret CT scans delays referral of patients to a stroke preparedness center and increases stroke patient mortality and morbidity.

Qure's comprehensive suite of solutions, qER and the Qure app, are specifically designed to assist clinicians in streamlining the stroke care pathway for patients. qER provides quick reading and interpretation of head CT scans along with other vital parameters. All information is recorded in the Qure app, which is a platform for communication and bringing together different field teams from different hospitals. According to public records1 the time to read and diagnose a head CT using qER has decreased from ~65 minutes to ~2 minutes.

"Medtronic is working towards a future where stroke can be diagnosed quickly and treated effectively to potentially save a patient's life. By introducing AI, it will personalize healthcare technology in real-time. Stroke by making rapid decision-making, streamlining data sharing between two hospitals and improving efficiency." We are thrilled to collaborate with to support surgeons in diagnosis and treatment,” opined Michael Blackwell, Vice President and Managing Director, Medtronic India.

Commenting on the partnership, Prashant Warrier, Co-Founder and CEO,, commented, "By teaming up with Medtronic India, we will integrate's suite of AI-powered neuro-critical solutions to more effectively diagnose and manage stroke. Our state-of-the-art technology Uses advanced algorithms to analyze medical images so that healthcare providers can make informed decisions with improved diagnostic accuracy and speed. Our collaboration will increase operational efficiency in hospitals, optimizing hub-and-spoke pathways. The partnership with Medtronic is another of our commitment to harnessing the power of AI to enhance patient care and provide equitable healthcare for all. is the main pillar.” said that.

In India, about 1.8 million patients suffer from stroke every year. Timing is of the essence in stroke treatment. Patients can be treated within a golden period of 4.5 hours and, in severe cases, up to 24 hours after the onset of symptoms. Assisting these patients from diagnosis to treatment using AI tools will help reduce delays and gaps in the management of stroke care, in an era where every minute counts. This will lead to effective referral and treatment of stroke patients in primary and secondary health facilities, especially in the hub and spoke network.
