Tuesday 4 April 2023

"National Level Vidya Vikasa School 2nd Class Purvika Outstanding Achievement"


Chitradurga: Purvika is a student of Vidya Vikasa Vidya Institute of the city. " 36th National Sub Junior Kuragi & 10th National Sub Junior Purise" Twikondo Championship 2022- 23rd National Level Competition from 28.03.2023 to 31. 3. 2023 Junior 16- of the Championship held at Sports Complex University, Kota, Rajasthan. She took part in the division and got second place and won the silver medal.
Behind this achievement is Mrs. Anita M who inspired the achievement through constant practice.
For a school that has not achieved at the national level ,to the state. The secretary of the institution, B Vijay Kumar and the governing body of the institution and the teaching and non-teaching staff congratulated this meritorious student.

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